Neal Rauhauser: DataScienceCentral, LinkedIn, Wrong Tool

Crowd-Sourcing, P2P / Panarchy
Neal Rauhauser
Neal Rauhauser

DataScienceCentral Users – No Klout Via LinkedIn

The retrieval of 11,712 DataScienceCentral profiles completed earlier today. I found about 2,600 instances of ‘linkedin’ when I checked the extract dt/dd files. I rigged up a bunch of awk statements and distilled that down to about 900 DSC userids and the associated plain text LinkedIn userids. I skipped the ones with embedded slashes, figuring I could go back later, and then I hit the roadblock you see above.

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Choosing The Wrong Tool

When we left off last night we had about 55,000 keywords from about 11,500 Data Science Central profiles. I manually reviewed and filtered, tossing out stuff that I felt was noise. Here are those nodes after I left the ForceAtlas2 layout algorithm work while I was making breakfast.

Automated community detection in Gephi found eleven communities using the default values. If you’re a puzzled Maltego user trying to follow along, community detection is an algorithm that examines edges and assigns nodes to groups, which can then be colored. This is what you are doing manually with the five colored stars Maltego lets you use to group entities.

Read more with several large network graphics.

Patrick Meier: Jointly: Peer-to-Peer Disaster Recovery App

Crowd-Sourcing, Geospatial, P2P / Panarchy
Patrick Meier
Patrick Meier

Jointly: Peer-to-Peer Disaster Recovery App

My colleague Samia Kallidis is launching a brilliant self-help app to facilitate community-based disaster recovery efforts. Samia is an MFA Candidate at the School of Visual Arts in New York. While her work on this peer-to-peer app began as part of her thesis, she has since been accepted to the NEA Studio Incubator Program to make her app a reality. NEA provides venture capital to help innovative entrepreneurs build transformational initiatives around the world. So huge congrats to Samia on this outstanding accomplishment. I was already hooked back in February when she presented her project at NYU and am even more excited now. Indeed, there are exciting synergies with the MatchApp project I’m working on with QCRI and MIT-CSAIL , which is why we’re happily exploring ways to collaborate & complement our respective initiatives.

Read full post with multiple graphics.

Patrick Meier: Web App Tracks Breaking News

Crowd-Sourcing, Governance
Patrick Meier
Patrick Meier

Web App Tracks Breaking News Using Wikipedia Edits

A colleague of mine at Google recently shared a new and very interesting Web App that tracks breaking news events by monitoring Wikipedia edits in real-time. The App, Wikipedia Live Monitor, alerts users to breaking news based on the frequency of edits to certain articles. Almost every significant news event has a Wikipedia page that gets updated in near real-time and thus acts as a single, powerful cluster for tacking an evolving crisis.

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Patrick Meier: Social Media for Emergency Management

Crowd-Sourcing, Geospatial
Patrick Meier
Patrick Meier

Social Media for Emergency Management: Question of Supply and Demand

I’m always amazed by folks who dismiss the value of social media for emergency management based on the perception that said content is useless for disaster response. In that case, libraries are also useless (bar the few books you’re looking for, but those rarely represent more than 1% of all the books available in a major library). Does that mean libraries are useless? Of course not. Is social media useless for disaster response? Of course not. Even if only 0.001% of the 20+ million tweets posted during Hurricane Sandy were useful, and only half of these were accurate, this would still mean over 1,000 real-time and informative tweets, or some 15,000 words—i.e., the equivalent of a 25-page, single-space document exclusively composed of fully relevant, actionable & timely disaster information.

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Boston Bombing Unaswered Questions Remain

Click on Image to Enlarge
Click on Image to Enlarge

7 biggest unanswered questions over Boston Marathon bombings

Bombing Suspect Called Mom Moments Before Deadly Shootout

Another friend, Zach Bettencourt, even asked Tsarnaev about the bombings.

“I talked to him in the gym about the bombing and he was like, ‘Yeah man, tragedies happen all the time,'” Bettencourt said.

The night after the bombing, Tsarnaev tweeted, “I'm a stress free kind of guy.”

Boston Bombing Alleged Victor a Former US Army Amputee?

US official: 2 more explosives found at marathon

See Also:

Continue reading “Boston Bombing Unaswered Questions Remain”

Patrick Meier: Data Science for Social Good

Cloud, Crowd-Sourcing, Design, Innovation, Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy
Patrick Meier
Patrick Meier

Data Science for Social Good and Humanitarian Action

My (new) colleagues at the University of Chicago recently launched a new and exciting program called “Data Science for Social Good”. The program, which launches this summer, will bring together dozens top-notch data scientists, computer scientists an social scientists to address major social challenges. Advisors for this initiative include Eric Schmidt (Google), Raed Ghani (Obama Administration) and my very likable colleague Jake Porway (DataKind). Think of “Data Science for Social Good” as a “Code for America” but broader in scope and application. I’m excited to announce that QCRI is partnering with this important new program given the strong overlap with our Social Innovation Vision, Strategy and Projects.

Read full post.

Dolphin: Intelligent Life on West Coast — Citizen Comment Slays Corporate Media

Corruption, Crowd-Sourcing, Idiocy, Ineptitude, Media

Noticed today as comment on Boston bombings: Social media spirals out of control

GlassKeys at 6:02 AM April 20, 2013 Perhaps this is a giant blinking neon sign that says “we longer trust corporate news”.You have all done such a bang up job: A) Exposing the lies that led us to the Gulf War B) Holding government officials' feet to the fire when torture becomes official policy. C) Ignoring the “Occupy” movement for months until it was impossible to do so, then failing to report why no bankers go to jail for defrauding the public. D) Totally failing to hold President Obama accountible for extending the Patriot Act, not closing Guantanamo, using signing statements when he promised not to. IE all campain promises he has broken . E) Ignoring massive abuses of civil liberties and wastes of money by the TSA and the DHS. F) Ignoring the politicians that back increasing H1B visas, whilst millions are still unemployed.I could go on, but you have to cover important news like Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga's new meat dress.