This is broadly in line with what P2P theorist Michel Bauwens refers to as the partner state – a reformed governmental apparatus that builds on the welfare state…
CONCLUSION: Resilient and socially inclusive communities can clearly play an immediate role in the great transition that still lies ahead, but it will remain impossible to establish economic systems that are structurally just and truly sustainable until political power is radically decentralised – especially at the national and global level – and wealth is distributed more equally throughout society. By recognising the global roots of our local struggles, those working towards local alternatives to economic globalisation therefore have a central role to play in democratising our governance systems from the top down as well as the bottom up.
This is the new short brief (4 slides) that is being circulated to those interested in having a conversation about electoral reform in 2015 and what it might mean in relation to electing an honest effective government in 2016.
Joan Blades, the brilliant human that created MoveOn and Moms Rising, is now leading a new movement and meme, Living Room Conversations. Below is the first draft of what has gone forward for possible elevation to a national conversation about THE issue of our day.
NOTE: The critical genius of Joan's concept is the conversation first focuses on building understanding and trust face to face without regard to any issues. Appreciation for one another comes first. We consider this vastly more important than any transpartisan or activist movement because it crosses all boundaries and goes directly to “root” — our shared humanity.
The question has been asked: Can we really do this? Below is one answer. A national conversation should yield both many more answers, and public confidence that it can indeed restore integrity to the US electoral process, to all three branches of the federal government, and eventually to all state and local governments — while demonstrating a model that could work around the world, over time eliminating the 42 dictators that are now “best pals” of a very corrupt US merged network of crime and politics.
Below are bullets on Strategy, Principles, Money, Timing, Principals, and Outcomes.
IMAGINE a Coalition Team led by an Independent but in fact a team of equals whose sole mission in life was to restore the integrity of the electoral process in 2015 and thence of the government, economy, and society in the USA in 2016 and beyond. Below is such a team as a starting point for national Living Room Conversations about the possibilities. The point of this conversation is to talk about how an honest government might function on the basis of ethical evidence-based decision-support, where the public interest, not special interests, are central.
Robert David Steele, born in New York in 1952 (63) is a long-time activist for intelligence reform (he is a former spy, honorary hacker, and a top proponent for Open Source Everything). Also a former Marine Corps infantry officer he returned to the Marine Corps from the CIA to be the senior civilian responsible for creating the Marine Corps Intelligence Center. He resigned from government to lead the open source intelligence revolution from 1993-2010. In 2011 he joined Occupy and tried to get them interested in Electoral Reform. In 2012 he was accepted by the Reform Party as a candidate for their nomination, and spent six weeks creating a web site that is still online (We the People Reform Coalition) and challenging all the other presidential candidates to come together on electoral reform. What he learned is available online in his article, How I Tested the Boundaries of the Two-Party Tyranny. Recently, in consultation with selected transpartisan leaders, he has come to the conclusion that the time is right to mount a total offense that unites Independents and small parties — the Libertarian Party being the largest and best organized small party — to demand an Electoral Reform Act of 2015 that would make it possible to elect Libertarians and others across the country in 2016. His overall campaign can be viewed at, he has also created a Libertarian post at His strongest new realization is that we are all fragmented across multiple issues, and there is only ONE THING that can bring us all together and ONE THING that we can actually win on: Electoral Reform. Once achieved, Libetarians would have a level playing field for addressing each of their vital issues — without Electoral Reform, Libertarians will remain a side show. Robert is also the #1 Amazon reviewer for non-fiction, reading in 98 categories. His new book, Open Power: Electoral Reform Act of 2015 – Open Source Activist Tool-Kit has been #1 in Civics at Amazon Kindle, and includes hundreds of book reviews on Democracy Lost.