Berto Jongman: Kristan Wheaton on The New Human Intelligence

Crowd-Sourcing, Innovation, Knowledge, P2P / Panarchy
Berto Jongman

Two pieces .  Another view, a variation of Stefan Dedijer in 1992, “know who knows;” and Robert Steele in 1995 if not earlier, “do not send a spy where a schoolboy can go

Top 5 Things Only Spies Used To Do (But Everyone Does Now)

#5 — Have a cover story.
#4 — Shake a tail.
#3 — Use passwords and encrypt data.
#2 — Have an agent network.
#1 — Use satellites.

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Only an expert case officer with deep contacts can hope to be able to respond to the wide variety of requests for information.  In today's fast moving, crisis-of-the-day type world, the question becomes “Where can I find good sources of information … on this particular topic … quickly?”

Twitter to the rescue!

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Michel Bauwens: Open Beats Closed – Slowly But Surely

#OSE Open Source Everything
Michel Bauwens

Open and Shut

Mark Pesce

MoosesCloud, 27 October 2012


“Closed can not fight open.  It can not find purchase to land a blow.  Microsoft has fought a decades-long war against Linux, only to lose the battle conclusively as the world moves to smartphones (Android), and embedded devices (such as the Light) running Linux.  Windows may remain dominant on the desktop for another decade, but computing has moved on.  Linux won the long game. When we release the detailed designs to build your own Light – as we will do next week – we undermine any effort from any closed competitor to treat their intellectual property as anything other than ephemera that only has value only insofar as it helps others in their own efforts to hack light.  We are not doing this as an intentional effort to destroy anyone’s business; we are doing it because we believe in openness.  Yet openness renders closed business styles uncompetitive.  Not immediately, and not completely, but gradually and largely.”

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Yoda: Liquid Democracy – How Pirates Do It….

Got Crowd? BE the Force!

Ethical this is.  Intelligent this is.  Next this is.

LiquidDemocracy e.V.

The Liquid Democracy Association is a non-profit and non-partisan organisation that works on innovative ideas and projects for democratic participation. Our goal is to establish a transparent democratic principle in both the political and social domain based on strengthening the citizens’ participation. We are working on ideas and projects that will make our modern democracy more transparent and flexible. The work of the Liquid Democracy Association encompasses both the theoretical conception and the practical implementation of software projects.

Modern media allow new forms of communication and interaction which can be used to strengthen democratic and discourse-oriented participation. Our goal is to develop concepts and tools that allow the influx of deliberative participation opportunities in -ideally- all sectors of society.

Liquid Democracy

Liquid Democracy consists of a variety of different concepts, which include the principle of delegated voting. Theories differ mainly in the degree of emphasis they put on discourse function and voting procedures. For Liquid Democracy, discourse is the key element and voting is subordinated. Hence, it is less about forcing ‘bargain compromises’ with the help of election procedures but much more about the open and fair exchange of ideas. More

Delegated Voting

Delegated Voting describes the possibility of a participant delegating her or his vote to another participant or group of participants, who then are able to vote on her or his behalf. The delegation may be temporarily confined to a specific policy area or ballot. More

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Eagle: Iceland Leads the Way – Jails the Bankers, Fires the Unethical Politicians, and Crowd-Sources their Constitition

Crowd-Sourcing, Culture, Politics
300 Million Talons…

Icelanders approve their crowd-sourced constitution

Iceland’s citizens were given a chance to help forge a new constitution for their country through Facebook and Twitter, so it’s not surprising that they backed the resulting draft. Now it’s over to the politicians.

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota:  Iceland was agile and ethical. No other country in distress has matched their intelligence and integrity in action.

See Also:

Graphic: Epoch B Swarm Leadership

Graphic: Ethical Evidence-Based Decisions

2013 Public Governance in the 21st Century: New Rules, Hybrid Forms, One Constant – The Public

2013 Robert Steele: Reflections on Inspectors General

SmartPlanet: CISCO in Lake Nona, Flordia – Brilliant Today, Flooded Tomorrow

Advanced Cyber/IO, SmartPlanet

A Florida aerotropolis bets on intelligent infrastructure

By | October 23, 2012

Ever heard of Lake Nona? If you’re unfamiliar, it’s a 7,000-acre, 25,000-person planned community in Orlando, Florida with urban ambitions the size of Tokyo.

In just 15 years, the community wants to become ”a global model and standard for sustainable urban development” — quite the opposite from what’s typically found in sprawling central Florida. To do so, it wants to tightly and deliberately link educational facilities, recreational facilities, a “medical city,” workplaces, retail centers, entertainment and residential development using digital infrastructure.

The community announced this morning that it plans to partner with Cisco, the American networking technology company, to design and deploy networking infrastructure to connect its healthcare, real estate, retail, education and community services.

What’s that mean, exactly? Things like “smart work centers,” “intelligent buildings” and unified healthcare and education services. Also, digital signage, unified communications (data, voice, wireless), fiber to the home, energy management, smarter transportation and IP-based video surveillance. (If it can be digitized, it appears that Cisco is willing do it.)

Because of the deep level of integration between the two entities, Cisco has declared Lake Nona an “Iconic Smart+Connected city” — the first in the U.S., and one of eight in the world.

Read full article.

Phi Beta Iota:  It merits reflection that CISCO and IBM and other great companies are not coming together on this, their lack of commitment to Open Source Everything being one reason.  It also merits reflection that in 100 years Lake Nona will be under sea water.   No one in the USA outside of Earth Intelligence Network seems to be thinking 100 years out, which is going to make the cost to future generations much greater.

See Also:

Graphic: Maps of the Post Flood Future Geography

Robert Steele at Forbes: Comments on Democracy USA

Jill Stein

Debate Proceeds Despite Green Party Lawsuit – Hear Jill Stein On Defense Here

Well at least my favorite candidate is not handcuffed to a chair for tonight’s debate.  Tonight’s debate is proceeding in the wake of a court challenge by Green Party Candidate Jill Stein.  Here is the latest from her campaign:

Last week Green Party presidential candidate Dr. Jill Stein was arrested, along with VP candidate Cheri Honkala, attempting to get into the presidential debates in Hempstead, New York. This week her fight continues with a lawsuit filed today against the Commission on Presidential Debates (CPD), claiming that the CPD, Democratic National Committee, and Republican National Committee, together with the Federal Election Commission and Lynn University, had deprived her of her constitutional rights to due process, equal protection, and free speech, as well as her statutorily protected civil rights.

Read full article and comments.

Steele Comments at Forbes (Click Above); Safety Copies Below the Line.

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