Event: 24-25 Mar 10 DEADLINE for submission: 1st December 2009 ‘The Globalization(s) of the conflict in Somalia’


The Globalization(s) of the conflict in Somalia

CALL FOR PAPERS  24th-25th March 2010

Two decades ago, the collapse of the Somalian government of Siad Barre coincided with the rise of a new vision of global order: liberal, democratic, capitalist and under the leadership of the United States. US troops entered Mogadishu in the same year that Francis Fukuyama pronounced the ‘End of History’. Today, such visions seem gone forever.

Journal: Adm Mac Showers Sends–John Guenther Passes (Ranking Civilian in USMC Intelligence)

Chosin Survival
Chosin Survival
Inchon Marines
Inchon Marines

I am saddened to report that John Guenther began guarding heaven's gates at 2030 on Oct 29, 2009.

His wife Gerrie Guenther told me to pass the word and that ceremonies and services were still in the planning stages.  John will be cremated and his remains interred at Arlington, but as many know there is a scheduling issue on that process.  As I know more I will pass it along.

John Guenther enlisted in the Marine Corps in January 1948. In September 1950 Corporal Guenther landed at Inchon with the Seventh Marines. In November and December, Sergeant Guenther was in the S2 during and in the Chosin Reservoir battle. He served other challenging/tough tours in Cuba, Vietnam, and East Germany. He was a great Marine who embodied the full measure and meaning of Semper Fidelis.  John served more than thirty years in the Marine Corps and, upon retirement, continued to serve in a civilian capacity, rising to the civilian equivalent of BGen and serving as the Assistant Director of Marine Corps Intelligence.

Longer more detailed service history below the fold, and details on cards, service, and burial.

Continue reading “Journal: Adm Mac Showers Sends–John Guenther Passes (Ranking Civilian in USMC Intelligence)”

SOUTHCOM Week in Review Ending 3 Nov 09


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JM: Tell us why police chief resigned – JCC 11/03/09

PA: Panamanians Snub US Military Bases 10/31/09

Below the Fold: Instability, Special Operations, Security Forces, Foreign Affairs, Crime

Continue reading “SOUTHCOM Week in Review Ending 3 Nov 09”

AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 02 Nov 09


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ET: Ethiopia: 3 soldiers defect to Eritrea 10/31/09

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ZW: Exploring the possibilities of non-violent reform in Zimbabwe 11/01/09

Below the Fold: Instability, Special Operations, Security Forces, Foreign Affairs, Crime

Continue reading “AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 02 Nov 09”

PACOM Week in Review Ending 091101


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Below the Fold: Instability, Special Operations, Security Forces, Foreign Affairs, Crime

Continue reading “PACOM Week in Review Ending 091101”

Event: 16-18 Nov 09 Doha, Qatar, World Innovation Summit for Education

Full Information Online
Full Information Online

Under the umbrella theme: “Global Education: Working Together for Sustainable Achievements”, the Forum will endeavour to rethink the education challenges of the 21st century.

The Forum will address the 3 following themes:

Theme 1 – Pluralism
Creating education for respect and understanding, increasing access and equalities in a globalised education.

Theme 2 – Sustainability
Sustaining educational systems through funding, governance, meeting needs, and integration of various educational levels

Theme 3 – Innovation
Facilitating and driving change in content, access, and delivery

CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 29 Oct 2009


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SY: Syria Seeks to Bring Additional Pressure Down on Israel 10/27/09

YE: Yemen Using al Qaeda as Mercenaries in War, Rebels Claim 10/27/09

Below the Fold: Instability, Security Forces, Foreign Affairs, Crime

Continue reading “CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 29 Oct 2009”