Election 2020 – Week to 18 Aug 2019


Sunday, 18 Aug 2019 — Praise be to God!

Big Picture. One insider is saying that the President is going to use the Epstein situation (not over by a long shot) to eliminate the Zionist parasite and destroy the Democratic Party while cleaning up the Republican Party. A new multi-party environment will be created for 2024. We pray this be so. Constitutional Convention may be on the table.  Third term for the President continent on #UNRIG legislation? Or he drops out in shame according to Anthony Scaramucci?

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Robert Steele: Is the Director of the FBI Dishonest? How Is White Nationalism More of a Threat than Zionist Bribery & Blackmail?


FBI director says white supremacy is a ‘persistent, pervasive threat' to the US

I have zero confidence in the Director of the FBI, and I believe he should be fired. He is not serving the President or the public when he says stupid shit like this.

Zionist Israel — represented by AIPAC and ADL and the Mega Group that financed Epstein and 9/11 — is vastly more of a threat to the USA than its own citizens, or even China, Iran, or Russia.

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Review: The Ascension Mysteries Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil by David Wilcok

Amazon Page


David Wilcock, THE ASCENSION MYSTERIES: Revealing the Cosmic Battle Between Good and Evil (Dutton, 2017)

5 Star Authentic, Credible, & Inspiring

The author is world-renowned for his New York Times bestseller The Source Field Investigations: The Hidden Science and Lost Civilizations Behind the 2012 Prophecies  and his follow-on The Synchronicity Key: The Hidden Intelligence Guiding the Universe and You. I learn at the very end of this book that it is intended to be a primer, with a detailed personal history that provides deep authenticity to the author’s experiences and insights, and paves the way for the earlier books that are more complicated and might – in the absence of this primer – be met with skepticism.

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Berto Jongman: Helping states avoid the ‘fragility trap’

Berto Jongman

Helping states avoid the ‘fragility trap’

The nature of fragilities is different among countries. A common feature between fragile states is that they are mostly conflict-affected countries.

According to the U.N.-WBG Pathways for Peace study, for every $1 spent in prevention, around $16 is saved along the way. The World Bank has taken deliberate decisions to increase funds in fragile and conflict-affected situations from $7 billion $14 billion, and to increase presence of the World Bank in fragile states.

Read full article.