COUNTRIES: Week Ending 2014-02-22


01 Brazil

Brazil's coffee belt grapples with rare threat: dry heat

02 China

It’s official: China overtakes India as top consumer of gold

03 Cuba

Majority Want Normal Relations with Cuba

04 Ecuador

Chevron's own lawyers jeopardize fate of Chevron-Ecuador RICO lawsuit

05 India

India to follow new OECD standard to combat black money

06 Indonesia

Troubled Waters: Indonesia’s Growing Maritime Disputes

07 Iran

 Official: Iran 3rd Biggest Helicopter Power in World

08 Nigeria

Nigeria's Industrial Revolution Plan

09 Russia

Kazakhstan’s currency devalued 19%, as Russia’s ruble slides. Who’s next?

10 South Africa

The future of the workers’ movement in South Africa

11 Turkey

Turkey economic model faltering

12 Veneuzela

Destabilizing Venezuela Continues

THREAT Week Ending 2014-02-22 [THU 7 PM New]


01 Poverty

Kids, Poverty and Mental Health: Children of war

Tackling poverty and improving education go hand in hand

Micro Credit Cannot Aleviate the Poverty of Capitalism

02 Infectious Disease

Stealthy, Debilitating Disease Is Poised to Sweep the United States

San Francisco Overrun with Bloodsuckers (and Ticks)

TAHC visiting major stock shows to discuss biosecurity practices in the event of an animal disease outbreak

Why Global Health Security Is Imperative

03 Environmental Degradation

New Book: Climate Change, Land Use and Monetary Policy The New Trifecta

‘India faces challenge of environmental degradation'

Stephen Gottlieb: Environmental Degradation as Murder

04 Inter-State Conflict

Syrian war rattles Golan border

War, Peace and the Law

David Swanson: Top Six Reasons to End War

05 Civil War

Is An Afghan Taliban Civil War Beginning?

Talking About a Civil War [in the Ukraine]

Fears of civil war in Ukraine after nine people are killed during bloodiest day of anti-government protests

06 Genocide

New documentary fights against Armenian Genocide denial

Aboriginal genocide and “closing the gap”

Film Series to explore Native American genocide in North America

07 Other Atrocities

The future of atrocity prevention and response

Former US soldier jailed for Iraq atrocities dies

UN report exposes North Korean atrocities

08 Proliferation

This 84-Year-Old Nun Is in Jail for the Weirdest Anti-Nuke Protest Ever

Beijing calls on Tokyo to return plutonium to US

John Kerry: Climate change as big a threat as terrorism, poverty, WMDs

09 Terrorism

Terrorism’s Definition Creep

UK: Chilling High Court decision upholds use of terrorism legislation against David Miranda

Fight moral terrorism by Western world

10 Transnational Crime

A roundup of 2014 Global Economic Crime Survey

PwC survey finds economic crime rising globally, all business sectors, regions suffer from impact

RI, M’sia to jointly tackle transnational crime

BUCKY 2.0: R. Buckminster Fuller – The History [and Mystery] of the Universe – A one-man play created by D. W. Jacobs

Buckminster Fuller
Buckminster Fuller

The History [and Mystery] of the Universe
A one-man play created by D. W. Jacobs
(first performed in 2000 in San Diego, then San Francisco)

The following excerpts constitute one persons feelings of the play’s wisdom and inspiration that may
warrant pondering:

1. Gravity does not have to think before behaving in the most economical manner.

2. We now have the capability to take care of all humanity at a higher standard of living than we have ever known, but only if the sovereign fences are completely removed.

3. The physical wealth of universe cannot diminish, the metaphysical can only increase.

4. Learning the truth about all things, then the truth about combinations of things, that’s what you want to do.

Continue reading “BUCKY 2.0: R. Buckminster Fuller – The History [and Mystery] of the Universe – A one-man play created by D. W. Jacobs”