Robert Steele: “Whites Only” Grafitti Part of the Soros “Purple Revolution” Subversion Plan?

I am watching with astonishment as everyone rushes to assume that the “Trump Nation Whites Only” grafitti was done by a supporter of Donald Trump.  How stupid do you have  to be? George Soros is executing a “color revolution” against Donald Trump and the Republican Party, and they are foolishly not calling him out on …

Del Spurlock: Lies of State – Spinning the Inhumanity of Our National Policies

Spinning the Inhumanity of our National Policies Reproduced with permission from original as posted. We are failing to govern ourselves. The concept of American democracy has been driven from the field by the public relations industry. The balancing act between the poles of public and private interests, performed so deftly by Chester Bowles, William Benton …

Owl: Proof of Polls Rigged Against Trump — Comment on System Rigged Twelve Different Ways — Copy of Fax to Speaker Paul Ryan

This analysis makes a good case for Trump winning – maybe by a landslide –  no matter what polls say. Proof That Rigged Polls Are Oversampling Democrats Below the fold: comment and graphic on system rigged twelve different ways, and copy of facsimile to Speaker Paul Ryan proposing emergency session of Congress to mandate paper …

Berto Jongman: Darren Tromblay on Hybrid Warfare

“Hybrid Warfare” at Home: Asymmetric Tactics Are Not Just Used in Ukraine, they Are Employed against the United States, and Have Been for Quite Some Time The United States has long been a target of hybrid warfare by states seeking to disrupt or influence U.S. decision-making. Hostile activities can be categorized under four paradigms: nullification …