Mongoose: Is NASA A Satanic Freemason Moneylaundering & Mind Control Bastion Serving the Deep State? The Apollo Hoax Revisted

Alert Reader sends us this: HOW THE CONSPIRACY THEORISTS LOST THE “APOLLO HOAX” DEBATE BY AT LEAST 30-NIL The conspiracy theorists claim that NASA landed twelve Freemasons on the “moon”, but they remain noticeably silent when asked to explain the following simple facts that all prove that THE CONSPIRACY THEORISTS ARE WRONG. Nowadays, even NASA …

Eagle: The Talmud Is Not the Bible and the Rothschilds Rule All

Alert Reader shares these insights: You will find a review of the Talmud in the “On The Jewish Question in Europe” published in “La Civilta Cattolica” in 1890 that predicted the Talmudic Jewish overthrow in Europe in 1933 in the next link. The most exhaustive treatise on this subject is the “Jewish Revolutionary Spirit” by …

Mongoose: BOOM – Notional Big Picture Right Now

Below from a patriot, but not fully verified — for example, there has been no public notice of the Insurrection Act having been signed but many including Juan O. Savin (PP) believe this to be  the case. Below is what should be happening — whether it will actually happen remains to be seen