Mike Adams: CONVERGENCE – The inescapable explanation that connects all world events unfolding now… can you handle the cosmic truth?

CONVERGENCE: The inescapable explanation that connects all world events unfolding now… can you handle the cosmic truth? Let’s begin by considering the global convergence of the following 12 events and trends: 1) The desperate effort by globalists to end all national sovereignty 2) The aggressive ramping up of efforts to disarm all law-abiding citizens

Review: Our Universal Journey + extraterrestrial RECAP

George Kavassilas 6 Star – Will Explode Your Mind and Free Your Heart to Achieve Infinite Soul Expansion There are thousands of extra-terrestial stellar civilizations, some evil, most humane (pun intended). The pineal gland is an implanted biological feature that enables the worst of these civilization to control our elites at one level (Satanic blood …

Mongoose: Cities Fighting 5G – 5G Is a Weapons System

Cities and Residents Are Rejecting the Federal Government’s Roll Out of 5G Citizen advocate, Gary Gileno, picked up our feature from last week about three cities in Marin County, California, that rejected the federal 5G roll out. He says that the cities passed ordinances, which carry the force of the law, instead of resolutions that …

Yoda: Monsanto is Totally Screwed (and Bayer Too), Exxon & Big Oil May Start to Lose Lawsuits

Bayer Needs More Than an Aspirin to Cure Its Monsanto-Sized Headache PBI: Bayer’s German CEO is delusional and should be fired soon.  Monsanto is dead.  Although judge reduced award to $70M or so, there are thousands more lawsuits that will be won against Monsanto. RELATED: New York Sues Exxon Mobil, Saying It Deceived Shareholders on …

T. Mark Hightower: Memorandum for the President: 9/11 Twin Towers Collapse and Vaporization Cannot Be Explained by Nano-Thermite Alone

9/11 Twin Towers Collapse and Vaporization Cannot Be Explained by Nano-Thermite Alone 18 July 2018 Dear Mr. President, Nano-thermite (a finely-granulated version of thermite, an incendiary long used to weld railroad tracks and to disable artillery using thermite grenades) has been oversold by those who claim that it holds the key to understanding how the …