Berto Jongman: Eurasianism, Turkey, Erdogan — Why China, Russia, Iran, & Turkey Will Rule both Central Asia and the Middle East….

The Strange Case of Perincek, Erdogan and the Russia Triangle Eurasianism is a political theory developed by Putin’s advisor Alexander Dugin, as the “fourth political theory; beyond left and right but against the center, to “replace and counter the liberal globalist theory and to end Western hegemony, and capitalism. It aims to create an alternative …

The Saker: NWO Meltdown, Russia Stronger Than Ever

New World Order in Meltdown, But Russia Stronger Than Ever Jon Hellevig Having at least a working knowledge of seven languages (English, Russian, Finnish, Swedish, Spanish, German, and French), Hellevig has been able to follow first-hand the news across the Western hemisphere. Doing so, he realized a decade or so ago, that all the Western …

Pepe Escobar: Russia-China-Iran & Central Asia

How Tehran Fits into Russia-China Strategy Iran continues to sell oil, mostly to China Although not strategic partners, as in the Russia-China tie-up, Russia-China-Iran remain the crucial triad in the ongoing, multi-layered, long-term Eurasia integration process.   . . . What the past few months have made crystal clear is how Russia-China’s magnetic pull is attracting …

Robert Steele: Byrne – Butina FBI & DoJ Misconduct? Clinton Donations from Russia, Brady Violations?

Russia Probe Twist: A Billion Dollar CEO, A Convicted Russian Agent And The FBI Overstock CEO Turned Over Docs To DOJ ‘on FBI’s Russian and Hillary Clinton Probes’ This is going to become the greatest political scandal in US history. If we survive it, and if Rule of Law returns to America, it will be …