CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 2 January 2009

Hot Topics AA: Afghan War Could Spill Over Into Central Asia 12/31/09 AA: Kazakhstan: Kyrgyz secret services are involved in the murder of Gennadyi Pavlyuk 12/30/09 AF: Afghan civilians killed in air raid 12/31/09 EG: Egyptian minister slams Al-Jazeera for ‘instigating civil war’ 01/02/10 IQ: Iraq says more ‘superfields’ up for grabs 12/31/09 IR: Exiled …

Journal: Early Warning on Further Destabilization from Afghanistan and India into Pakistan

In an exclusive interview with Foreign Policy Journal, retired Lt. Gen. Hamid Gul responds to charges that he supports terrorism, discusses 9/11 and ulterior motives for the war on Afghanistan, claims that the U.S., Israel, and India are behind efforts to destabilize Pakistan, and charges the U.S. and its allies with responsibility for the lucrative …

CENTCOM Week in Review Ending 24 September 2009

Hot Topics AA:  Counterterrorism at the expense of COIN will doom Afghanistan and Pakistan: US officials 09/24/09 AA: Israel hiding nukes in Golan, Syria claims 09/22/09 AA: Al-Qaida release video message likening Barack Obama to George Bush 09/23/09 AF:  Afghan jails are base for al-Qaida and Taliban, says US commander 09/21/09 AF:  Afghan warlords will …

AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 21 September 2009

Hot Topics AA: Instability made political risk expensive in Africa 09/20/09 AA: Somalia raid reopens debate on Maghreb security, economic co-operation 09/18/09 AA: Thaisarco suspends Congo tin ore purchases 09/18/09 AO: Dos Santos – Angola’s silent leader 09/20/09 DZ: Russia investigates jet part sales to Algeria 09/18/09 ER: Eritrea: Who Is EU Trying To Kid …