Amazon Kindle: Healing the Self & Healing the World – The Open Source Way (Trump Revolution Book 14)

41 pages with 14 graphics and 60 endnotes with links. As a professional intelligence officer, I approach all challenges from an information-centric perspective. My approach to healing the self and healing the world is rooted in what I know about the corruption – the lack of integrity – across all information domains. We lack both …

Robert Steele: Healing the Self & Healing the World – The Open Source Way (Trump Revolution 14)

Healing the Self & Healing the World: The Open Source Way Robert David Steele Defence & Intelligence Norway 13 September 2017 Editor-in-Chief Note: The author was recommended by me, and probably nominated by a Norwegian Minister, for the Nobel Peace Prize in January 2017. I believe that he is redefining defense, economics, governance, intelligence, and …

Koko: Healing Plan for Humans

Healing Plan This plan is compiled through the research and experiences of people who recovered from serious health issues. If any of the imbedded links are broken or certain webpages experience problems (it happens quite often), be patient and do search using the key words to find an alternative access.

Anonymous: Mind Control Case Study – Psychotronics and the Wireless Body Area Network (WBAN) Threat — Was Donald Trump Implanted During His Hair Operation?

Phi Beta Iota: We have no direct knowledge but believe this information to be credible and worthy of deep investigation if the Deep State can be defeated and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) re-constituted as a genuine counterintelligence organization with integrity in public service. There are increasing signs that the Deep State is using …

Jon Rappoport: Robert F. Kennedy Jr’s Devastating Quotes on Vaccines and the CDC

Robert F Kennedy Jr’s devastating quotes on vaccines and the CDC Boom—how and why the CDC can foist toxic vaccines on the American people< From Kennedy’s video presentation, “7 Minutes on the CDC,” Anne Dachel (Age of Autism) has transcribed excerpts. This is explosive material, particularly because there is a chance Kennedy will head up …

Yoda: Deep State – Satanic State – Pedophilia State

Seriously, this fellow take we. Frank Bacon (P) writes: Pedophilia, as horrific as it might be, may actually be the least of the great crimes that are being ignored by the US Government and other governments precisely because all these governments are servants to the elite rather than representatives of the public interest.

Jon Rappoport: Zeka Fraud = Pesticide Crime = Birth Defects

Bombshell: Zika fraud leads to toxic mosquito spraying and autism Naled, the organophosphate pesticide now being sprayed on Miami to kill “Zika mosquitoes,” has dire effects. Reference: a 2014 study, “Neurodevelopmental disorders and prenatal residential proximity to agricultural pesticides: the CHARGE study.” [Environmental Health Perspectives, 2014 Oct;122(10):1103-9.]