Robert Steele: 5G is the Future, China is the Main Enemy? – Steve Bannon is a Moron

I wrote Steve Bannon off a while ago, but as he has been desperately scrabbling around for money (the Mercers very wisely cut him off) and is now running his mouth about shit he does not understand, I thought to highlight the headline below and make a comment. Stephen Bannon on Huawei and the Communist …

SPECIAL: DNC Plans to Throw Race to Trump To Make More Money — Sanders & Gabbard to be Blocked, Harris & Warren Chosen as Losing Ticket?

Is the Democratic Establishment Backing Trump While Rigging the Nomination Against Bernie and Tulsi? An assistant to one of the party bosses, who asked not to be identified for fear of losing his job, pointed out that the DNC actually makes more money as a result of anger about Donald Trump’s Presidency than they would …

Event: UNCENSORED Dimensions of Disclosure 23-25 August 2019 Ventura, California

The schedule is now finalized. Sacha Stone, Robert Steele, William Binney, and David Wilcock are the Saturday afternoon and evening. Please share this with others — a major documentary will be made out of this event, it will be epic. Full disclosure is inevitable. Learn when, why, and how. There are no corporate sponsors …