Bin Laden Show 57: Senators are Gullible, Journal is Dubious–the Bin Laden Show Poised to Displace All Reasonable Thinking for Next Year

Osama bin Laden pictures leave no doubt he is dead, Senator claims The pictures of Osama bin Laden are definitely him and leave no doubt the al-Qaeda leader is dead, according to a Republican Senator. Read rest of “party line” article…. Phi Beta Iota: We have mixed feelings.  There is a 20% possibility that Bin …

Bin Laden Show 41: Captured, Lost or at Camp Peary

The plot thickens. Option A1: He really did survive kidney malfunction and was alive (age 54).  He was captured and his “execution” faked in front of his family after their helicopter ride as prisoners self-destructed, or not faked at all, the family in Pakistani custody is putting out the joint military deception line.  Pakistan gets …

Reference: Five Major Trends Into the Future Include Severe Weather (More Severe, Frequent, & Costly)

Trocaire reports severe weather as global trend ThePost.IE 20 March 2011 By John Burke An increase in severe weather incidents has been identified as one of the five major trends in global development aid. The trends, which also include shifting geopolitical alliances, urban poverty, demand for natural resources and widening inequality, are contained in a new …

Who’s Who in Collective Intelligence: Noah Raford

MIT Home Page I am a PhD candidate at the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at MIT, writing my dissertation on long term planning and strategy making during times of systemic change. Large-scale participatory futures systems blog Crisis as catalyst.  Risk as renewal.  Classical strategic planning is based upon the assumption of a slowly …