J. C. Cole: Dead Russians, Khazarian Jews, & the US “Glass House”

American Gray Swans – April 2021 #3 “Dead Russians” So who killed more Russians than anybody else? It was the Communist Bolshevik Khazarians. This is the bloodline hiding behind being Jewish. Rarely does anybody ask who killed the most Russians? And further, why does it matter? After all most Americans think we won WW II. …

Yoda: The most comprehensive report on the motives behind what we call “medicine”

Alert reader says: In the last seven decades, the guardians of public health, instead of promoting health and preventing diseases, successfully managed to chip away the naturally synchronized and complex molecular dynamics of effective immunity and increased and shifted the population of induced diseases in young and old. Frequent use of drugs and pathogen‐specific vaccines …

Mongoose: When It Comes to Wearing a Face Mask, It’s Time to Challenge the Pseudo-Science

The intense propaganda to coerce you to wear a face mask is not based on science. It is a pure political power play designed to force you and your children into submission. This is not my opinion. It is what the science shows. Let us start with the size of the virus. The corona virus …

James Fetzer: David Icke on 16 Parallels Between 9/11 and COVID — Fear & Control Based on Lies & Treason

David Icke, 16 Glaring Parallels Between the 9/11 and COVID Ops List Only: MSM and Governments Amp Up the Fear with Incessant Coverage and Propaganda Governmental Reaction Kills Way More People than the Event Itself No Investigation of Coincidences Introduction of a Fundamental New Paradigm (War on Terror vs. War on Bioterror) 9/11 COVID Similarities: …