Ed Jewett: US Government Argues It Can Kill US Citizens “At Will” and Without Due Process — We Do Not Make This Shit Up!

Government Argues In Court That It Can Kill US Citizens At Will With Zero Judicial Oversight The federal government is back in court, arguing for its unilateral right to kill US citizens. Two journalists who had appeared to have been mistakenly targeted by drone strikes sued the government in 2017, seeking an injunction forbidding their …

Robert Steele: Concept for a Movie on Election & Media Fraud + What Next

Memorable Short URL: https://tinyurl.com/PBI-Movie-Fraud The model they used for Thousand Pieces could work   In combination, a series of interviews plus video of Patrick Byrne’s team plus Constitutional and state legislative authority clips plus pulls from the videos and articles at https://tinyurl.com/PBI-Trump-Wins will fill the vacuum between media lies and Trump tweets plus Q plus those …

Martin Armstrong: Video (6:44) CIA Ability to Hack the Vote (Brennan McInerney Validated by Armstrong)

The CIA Ability to Hack the Vote Includes video (6:44) I have independent sources that have long confirmed that this is absolutely spot on. This is something neither Russia nor China could do because they lack the infrastructure that the CIA/NSA has established with taps directly into the trunk lines for communications. Moreover, that was …

Robert Steele with Javad Heirannia: Interview: US Election Winner Predicted, Most Important Issues Discussed

Interview: US Election Winner Predicted, Most Important Issues Discussed By Javad Heirannia                 October 15, 2020 – 11:11                               International TEHRAN – Robert David Steele, a former Marine Corps infantry officer and CIA spy as well as an activist for Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE), contributes regularly to Tehran Times.