SPECIAL: Robert Steele – Yes, Lindsey Graham is Compromised… But He is Also Born Again. Representative Ilham Omar is Correct — and Both She and Senator Graham Should be Protected.

While I am quite stunned that Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who is owned by the Zionists more ways than anyone can count, has put Representative Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) on the House Foreign Affairs Committee (HRAC) this is a stroke of genius and exactly the right thing to do. This is an opening for …

Zionism Strike 28: 88 Members of the House of Representative Suck Up to Zionist Israel and Demand an Ambassador Censor to Monitor Criticism of Zionist Apartheid Genocidal Israel, a Mafia State

 House Bill Forces Trump to Nominate “Anti-Semitism Envoy” Who Would Monitor Criticism of Israel The position of anti-Semitism envoy was created in 2004 over the objections of the State Department, which said it wasn’t needed. It was urged by Israeli Minister for Diaspora Affairs Natan Sharansky, who had formulated a new definition of anti-Semitism that includes criticism …

Worth a Look: RED MAFIYA – How the Russian (Zionist) Mob Has Invaded America

From Publishers Weekly This disturbing, sharply rendered account tells how the post-Communist Russian Mafiya has infiltrated American life with tactical intelligence and a rare level of viciousness. Drawing from interviews with top Russian mobsters and police, journalist Friedman (Zealots for Zion: Inside Israel’s West Bank Settlement Movement) trenchantly explores the brutal corruption of the U.S.S.R. …

Robert Steele: Synagogue False Flag — Baloney — FEMA Legalized Lies UPDATE 17: Synagogue Business as Usual…No Bio-Hazards?

SHORT URL: http://tinyurl.com/synagogue-false-flag UPDATE 17: Synagogue opens quickly for business as usual, no problem with the alleged bio-hazards that would have kept it closed for a week to ten days. Note also two competing cover stories, one from New York one from Pittsburgh, of two different groups claiming to be responsible for the ritual cleaning.

WARNING NOTICE: WordPress Update May Track Banned Words

I am receiving early reports from others that the latest WordPress Update may have a  call home feature that reports banned words so that WordPress.com can digitally assassinate the site as they did with Fellowship of the Minds. WordPress.com cannot be trusted, that is clear. Censorship by private parties rendering a “public” service is in …