Event: Free Online 25 January 6 PM Eastern Daniel Pinchbeck & Sean Stone – Fight Club!

FIGHT CLUB!  Extraterrestrial Drug Czar & Brilliant Author Confronts Pro Trump Anti Hollywood Movie Producer & Converted Muslim Sean Stone On Monday evening, I am holding a free public conversation with director, actor and talk show host Sean Stone (son of the well-known director Oliver Stone). I am friends with Sean. We have had some …

The Steele Report: Questions Being Answered Today (Friday, Not Saturday)

Robert has a conflict and needs to be in DC Saturday. To allow for a relaxed full webinar, it will  take place today starting at noon Eastern time TODAY (Friday), for 90 Minutes and will be viewable in archive thereafter. Beginning next week, ONE question per person per week and NO questions on investments, personal …

James Rink: Gene Decode Video Itemized by Alert Reader

We normally do not load YouTube that become empty gray boxes down the road, or broken links.  We are working with BitChute CEO to get to a very fast conversion nomination process in a new BitChute channel #SaveTheTruth. Per James Rink hosted Gene Decode session :

Yoda: Alert Reader on Silence, Reconciliation, Truth . . .

Alert Reader sends in: Thank you for putting out work that people like me can follow on the day-to-day situation.  Some 400 years of silence preceded the birth Jesus.  In parallel, every uninformative media source is defended as holy, whether on the left or right.  This is history also rhyming with 1950s religious bigotry.  The …