Journal: Versailles on the Potomac Implodes…Again

Chuck Spinney sends…. The Afghan debacle is becoming a case study of how political debate in Versailles drips in a naturally self-organizing way to protect the dysfunctional status quo. As I indicated yesterday and in September, the fundamental flaw that set the stage for the current policy making fiasco was the unexamined analytical hole in …

Journal: Constant Technical Stare vs. Engaged Brain

Military Refines A ‘Constant Stare Against Our Enemy’ The rapidly increasing surveillance power of unmanned aircraft gives U.S. officials an option beside s troops By Julian E. Barnes    November 2, 2009   Pg. 1 WASHINGTON — The Pentagon plans to dramatically increase the surveillance capabilities of its most advanced unmanned aircraft next year, adding so many …

AFRICOM Week in Review Ending 26 Oct 09

Hot Topics AA: AFRICOM: Just another Western tool of de facto colonization 10/23/09 BW: Botswana elects first female Speaker 10/21/09 CD: DRC foils coup 10/21/09 DJ: Djibouti Rejects Alleged Destabilization Role in Somalia 10/21/09 GM: Gambia: State Guards Commander Demoted, Dismissed 10/22/09 GN: Expat mining execs flee Guinea on security concern 10/25/09 NG: MEND declares …