Mona Alexis Pressley: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – FBI Agent photoshopped to be “Sloppy Sniper” at Sandy Hook

Mona Alexis Pressley: In Solidarity with Alex Jones – FBI Agent photoshopped to be “Sloppy Sniper” at Sandy Hook Dear Mr. President, Among the sensational videos produced by “Barry Soetoro” about Sandy Hook was the discovery that David Wheeler, the husband of Francine Wheeler (whom Obama featured speaking on gun control from the Oval Office), …

Nicholas Kollerstrom: Memorandum for the President: 9/11 an Inside Job, Osama Bin Laden Framed, FBI Aware

9/11 an Inside Job, Osama Bin Laden Framed, FBI Aware 24 July 2018 Mr. President, Osama Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11. He died on or about 15 December 2001 after first denouncing the attack as the work of others, and then offering to turn himself in for trial outside the USA (the …

9/11 Reference: Rudy Gulliani and FBI Complicit in 9/11? Known Commercial Insurance Reasons for Taking Down WTC Due to Crumbling Steel and Aluminum

It is now known that Rudy Gulliani and the leadership of NYC as well as the owners of WTC knew years before 9/11 that the buildings must be brought down before 2007 because the interior steel and exterior aluminum were both compromised and the buildings would be at risk of collapsing — the cost to …

Memoranda for the President on 9/11: Time for False Flag Deep State Truth! UPDATE 19: Israel Did It with Cheney & Mueller [New Book Indicts FBI In Detail]

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Norie Huddle: Obama Weaponized IRS, FEC, FBI, DoJ Against Conservatives

Judicial Watch Obtains IRS Documents Revealing McCain’s [Minority] Subcommittee Staff Director Urged IRS to Engage in “Financially Ruinous” Targeting “The Obama IRS scandal is bipartisan – McCain and Democrats who wanted to regulate political speech lost at the Supreme Court, so they sought to use the IRS to harass innocent Americans,” said Judicial Watch President …