Review: Data Politics – Worlds, Subjects, Rights edited by Didier Bigo, Engin Isin, and Evelyn Ruppert

Didier Bigo, Engin Isin, Evelyn Ruppert (eds._ 6 Star — A pioneeering panorama Take the time to look at the Table of Contents using Amazon’s Look Inside! feature. This is a remarkable book, both comprehensible at the undergraduate or citizen lay level, and a foundation for advanced studies. I find this book absorbing in every …

Stephen E. Arnold: Artificial Intlelligence Fakery and BigTech #GoogleGestapo Architecture of Surveillance

An Artificial Intelligence Doubter: Remarkable The often cynical and always irreverent Piekniewski’s blog has posted another perspective of the AI field in, “AI Update, Late 2019 – Wizards of Oz.” AI and deep learning scholar Filip Piekniewski has made a habit of issuing take-downs of AI propaganda, and this time he takes aim at self-driving …

Zero Hedge: Time to Dismantle the Pentagon and Terminate the Military-Industrial Complex?

Empire & Interventionism Versus Republic & Noninterventionism Authored by Jacob Hornberger via The Future of Freedom Foundation, The chaos arising from U.S. interventionism in Syria provides an excellent opportunity to explore the interventionist mind. The results of U.S. imperialism and interventionism have always been perverse, not only for foreigners but also for Americans. That’s how …