Robert Steele @Amazon & Free Online: Trump vs. The Deep State – Recent Reflections of a Former US Spy & Marine Corps Officer (Trump Revolution Book 35)

CENSORED BY GOOGLENEWS For those who like Amazon electronic (Kindle) or in print (CreateSpace) I have put together the best of my most recent articles from the American Herald Tribune and Tehran Times, often also republished by the Russian International Affairs Council, that are CENSORED in the USA. GoogleNews, under the control of the Zionist …

Benjamin Fulford: Zionists Being Slammed Down, Trust the Plan — Comment by Robert Steele Including Reference to Global Currency Reset

Attempts to start Muslim/Christian warfare backfire on Zionists The recent massacre of Sri Lankan Christians plus attacks on churches and mosques have turned into a fatal mistake for the Zionists, multiple sources confirm.  In reaction, the U.S. Department of Defense is handling background checks to root out Israeli dual citizens, agents, assets, and sayanim (Hebrew …

Penguin: 26 States Forbid Community Broadband — Corrupt Legislators, Pathetic Voters, Aggressive Bribery & Blackmail by Telcom Sector

Report: 26 States Now Ban or Restrict Community Broadband Frustrated by slow speeds, limited availability, high prices and terrible customer service, more than 750 communities across the country have built their own broadband ISPs or cooperatives. Studies have shown these locally owned and operated networks tend to offer lower prices, faster speeds, and better customer …