Berto Jongman: Zionists Go After White Supremacists (PBI: Via Captive FBI)

The Fight in the Right: It is Time to Tackle White Supremacist Terrorism Globally A report from the Anti-Defamation League reports, “In 2018, domestic extremists killed at least 50 people in the U.S., a sharp increase from the 37 extremist-related murders documented in 2017,” and that “White supremacists were responsible for the great majority of …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – Week 34 – Red Flag the Red Flag Laws

American Gray Swans – Week 34 – Red Flag the Red Flag Laws There is much debate over the Red Flag Laws, so let us disassemble it and look. The Red Flag Law basically is being claimed to protect society by taking firearms out of the hands of potentially dangerous people. This sounds good on …

Mongoose: US Government Perfidy on 5G – Trump Will NOT Be Re-Elected If This Stands Unchallenged

This 1976 report makes it clear that the US Government has understood the genocidal and ecocidal dangers of electromagnetic radiation including 5G, from day one. If President Trump does not forbid the use of 5G in the USA (as both Israel and Russia have) he will not be re-elected in 2020.  This is a cross-over …

SPECIAL: DNC Plans to Throw Race to Trump To Make More Money — Sanders & Gabbard to be Blocked, Harris & Warren Chosen as Losing Ticket?

Is the Democratic Establishment Backing Trump While Rigging the Nomination Against Bernie and Tulsi? An assistant to one of the party bosses, who asked not to be identified for fear of losing his job, pointed out that the DNC actually makes more money as a result of anger about Donald Trump’s Presidency than they would …