Review: Too Big to Know – Rethinking Knowledge Now That the Facts Aren’t the Facts, Experts Are Everywhere, and the Smartest Person in the Room Is the Room

David Weinberger 5.0 out of 5 stars Simple Enough to Shake the Most Obtuse Leaders, February 10, 2012 First the disclosures. I asked for a copy of this book to review, David Weinberger being one of my heroes and I being unemployed at this time. They gave it to me and now that I have …

Eagle: 300 Million Citizens – 100 Million Qualify for Poverty Phone?

Mixed feelings. Great idea — one that has been recommended for the five billion poor everywhere else in the world. Troubling:  out of 300 million citizens, 100 million qualify for this specific form of poverty assistance? Obama Phone: Gov to Spend $2.4 Billion On Millions of Free Phones In 2012 Mac Slavo, February 9th, …

Review: Leverage – How Cheap Money Will Destroy the World

Karl Denninger STRONG FIVE – Original, Award-Winning, Major Contribution, February 5, 2012 On the very last page of the book I learn that the author received the Reed Irvine Accuracy in Media Award for Grassroots Journalism, for his coverage of the 2008 market meltdown. This confirms my own already formed very high estimation of the …