John Steiner: Whither Fukushima? Whither the World Brain?

Thanks to: carolwoman < This 3 minute video was put together by Dan Villalva , a member of  the original Fukushima Response group, in Sonoma County, CA.  More groups are forming around the country, as Yastel Yamada and Tak Okamoto, of the Skilled Veterans Corps for Fukushima finish their tour of the US.. Also …

Mini-Me: US Government Lies to the US People? Huh?

Huh? Reagan Assistant Secretary of Commerce Paul Craig Roberts: Friday’s Jobs Report: More Lies From “our” Big Brother EXTRACT: In his report on the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ latest jobs and unemployment report, statistician John Williams ( writes: “The July employment and unemployment numbers published today, August 3rd, were worthless and likely misleading. . . …

20120802 Open Source Everything Highlights

Open Source Everything TWITTER HASH: #openall DAILY HIGHLIGHTS: THE LIST: ROOT POST: THE BOOK: THE AUTHOR: TODAY’S HIGHLIGHTS:  All Opens Below Line  Includes Autonomous Internet, Crowd-Funding/Sensing/Sourcing, DIY, and Transparency, Truth, Trust, & True Cost

Mini-Me: Fukushima 3.7X Higher than Chernobyl 28.3X More Toxic

Huh? We can see by comparing the subsets of figures below that the radioactive particle emission through the air from Fukushima is not only 3.7 times higher than Chernobyl; but, more importantly, 28.3 times more radiotoxic with every breath you take. Fukushima’s Melted Reactors 500 Days On Radioactive Inventory Numbers …by Bob Nichols (San Francisco) …