Yoda: Education Finally Being Deeply Disrupted & Modernized by Internet

The 3 Biggest Ways Technology Is Disrupting Education Forever Digital education is today where digital music was in 2001. The digital music revolution started unintended when peer-to-peer file service “Napster” started by Sean Parker & Shawn Fanning in 1999 controversially morphed into a digital music sharing service. It became mainstream with the highly successful launches …

NIGHTWATCH: Pakistan Flags Going Islamic – Pakistan as Islamic Israel

Pakistan: A Pakistani military court convicted five military officers, including Brigadier Ali Khan, for maintaining links to a banned organization. The Brigadier is the most senior of the five and received a sentence of five years in prison. The others received sentences of 18 months to three years. The army did not name the banned …

Chuck Spinney: US Continues to be Clueless on AF Cultural – Tribal Intelligence – Karzai Brothers a Replay of Ngo Dinh Diem & Madame Nhu

In my last Blaster, I discussed the deficiencies of the Washington Post puff piece on the Obama/Allen triage strategy for exiting Afghanistan. One of the points mentioned was that the NATO/US commander, Marine general John Allen is a student of military history and that he was working to avoid the mistakes the Soviet Union made …