Georgi Alexandrov Stankov: How Mario Draghi Destroyed Italy & Good News

How Mario Draghi Destroyed Italy A Financial Psychogram of the Politician as Chief Criminal Georgi’s Good News: Italy, not the USA, may be the first break-out. A lot depends on Trump at CPAC doing mass revelations.  Regardless, there will almost certainly be an interdimensional shift next month. Georgi’s caution: As you know, we are only …

The Steele Report: Questions Being Answered Today

Ammunition During Obama’s administration, every FEDERAL AGENCY from the Post Office to Forestry was purchasing MILLIONS of rounds of ammunition. During the following administration, President Trump said repeatedly that the MILITARY had NO AMMUNITION. Were those two things related to the same Deep State goal, i.e., why would so many federal agencies need so much …

J. C. Cole: Gray Swans February 2021 #2 “Texas Freeze – Silver Squeeze”

American Gray Swans – February 2021 #2 Texas Freeze – Silver Squeeze! This is Houston, we have a problem! Holy crap, everything is frozen! Gray Swans are a series of events that could shut down America’s “Just in Time” delivery system (our supply chain) which will lead to a famine. Oh look, Texas is shut …