Jim W. Dean: Peace Activists are Extremists? Call DHS Stupid and Be Labeled a Terrorist?

Homeland Security Blames Boston on Public Homeland Security admits Boston security failure EXTRACT: But it gets worse. When those in their own ranks try to bring attention to huge security holes in their operations the DHS’s full resources are put upon them, wasting more taxpayer money chasing bogus ‘domestic’ security threats. Click for DVD Website …

John Steiner: Fukushima Update — Worse, Uglier, Worry More…. + Fukushima & US Nuclear RECAP

Subject: Fukushima update http://www.change.org/petitions/west-coast-senators-investigate-the-ongoing-danger-from-the-fukushima-nuclear-reactors Dear Friends, Bad news continues to pour out of Fukushima-Daiichi.  The first article below discusses the impact of F-D radiation on Canadian flora and fauna.  The second details the involvement of the Japanese Mafia, the Yakuza, in the containment/cleanup process.  The third describes TEPCO’s mounting financial losses, as they struggle to …

Stephen E. Arnold: A Fresh Look at Big Data & Big Data (-) Human Factor (+) Transformation (+) RECAP

A Fresh Look at Big Data May 8, 2013 Next week I am doing an invited talk in London. My subject is search and Big Data. I will be digging into this notion in this month’s Honk newsletter and adding some business intelligence related comments at an Information Today conference in New York later this …

Marcus Aurelius: The Cyber-Dam Break — “Blame It On China” Goes Into High Gear

The Cyber-Dam Breaks Sensitive Army database of U.S. dams compromised; Chinese hackers suspected BY: Bill Gertz The Washington Free Beacon, May 1, 2013 U.S. intelligence agencies traced a recent cyber intrusion into a sensitive infrastructure database to the Chinese government or military cyber warriors, according to U.S. officials. The compromise of the U.S. Army Corps …

Review (Guest): Classified Woman-The Sibel Edmonds Story: A Memoir

Sibel Edmonds 5.0 out of 5 stars Sibel Edmonds Finally Wins, April 30, 2012 By David Swanson (Charlottesville, VA) – See all my reviews   This review is from: Classified Woman-The Sibel Edmonds Story: A Memoir (Paperback) Sibel Edmonds’ new book, “Classified Woman,” is like an FBI file on the FBI, only without the incompetence. …

Review (Guest): Light at the End of the Tunnel: A Survival Plan for the Human Species

Paul Hellyer 5.0 out of 5 stars Beams of Light from a Well-Respected Statesman September 18, 2010 By Gerald MacLennon Unlike our Asian counterparts, the West often fails to accord our wise elders the honor they deserve – the status they have earned by devoting their lives to love of, and service to humankind. Paul …

Chuck Spinney & Philip Giraldi: CIA Drones for Corrupt Regimes

Note that in addition to propping up Quisling centers at expense of the tribal periphery, we  will be fanning the fires of the sectarian warfare and killing gobs of innocents with more signature strikes (note dependency on “technical collection”). Drones for “Regime Protection” The CIA’s insurance plan for Karzai and Maliki—and what it means for …