J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans 14 May 2019

13 American Gray Swans – Week 19 Using classic engineering logic ask the question “what could cause the collapse of the JIT delivery system”? The answer created the 13 American Gray Swans.  I am sure there are more, but these cover the highest probabilities.

Robert Steele: “I Told You So” on Both Russia and Cyber….

Former Assistant Director of Intelligence for the FBI, Kevin  R. Brock, has written an obituary for James Comey that reads very very well. James Comey is in trouble and he knows it In my view, in this order, Brennan, Hayden, Clapper, and Comey could and should legitimately face the hangman’s noose sometime in Donald Trump’s …

Mongoose: Defeating the Medical Gestapo – CDC as Criminal Organization

Measles Vaccination: NYC sues 12 for defying mandatory vaccination; Times of Israel fakes photo of baby with measles “On March 26, 2019, New York’s Rockland County was the first in the U.S. to declare a medical martial law via an executive order by county executive and former police officer Ed Day, banning from public places …