James Fetzer: Are Sandy Hook “Victims” Alive and Well on Facebook?

It is five years since the Dec. 14, 2012 shooting massacre of 20 children and 6 adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut. Wolfgang Halbig is a former Florida state trooper, school safety consultant, and a Sandy Hook “truther” whom Lenny Pozner sued but then dropped the lawsuit. On New Year’s Eve, Dec. 31, …

Robert Steele: Fire & Fury vs. Understanding Trump in Context of GOP/DNC Pedophilia & Satanic Murder of Children

I have ordered and will review both Fire & Fury and its counterpart book by Newt Gingrich, Understanding Trump. I will then do two reviews that I anticipate will exonerate our President while demonstrating that the GOP and DNC are guilty of massive embedded pedophilia & Satanic murder of children who have been tortured to …

Berto Jongman: Is Donald Trump a “Made Man” Owned by the Rothschilds? [PBI: Or Will Trump “Do a Putin” and Chop the Hands Off His Illicit Benefactors?]

How Rothschild Inc. Saved Donald Trump In 1987 Donald Trump purchased his first casino interests when he acquired 93% of the shares in Resorts International. Resorts International has a sordid history which began in the early 1950’s when it evolved from a CIA and Mossad front company which had been established for the purpose of …

Amazon Kindle: Creating a Post-Western (Post-Google) Internet: An Open Source Internet Can Create Peace and Prosperity for All (Trump Revolution Book 22)

The recent decision by President Vladimir Putin to create an independent Internet with a separate Domain Name System (DNC) that is impervious to Western attack including data corruption and mis-representation is a good decision. President Putin’s desire to have such an independent Internet in place by August 2018 is ambitious but achievable. It is a …