Cynthia McKinney: Memorandum for the President 3.0

Robert Steele’s original Memorandum to the President, read by four million people world-wide, has been improved by Cynthia McKinney, co-founder of We the People — Unity for Integrity. It is provided below in full text and as a printable one-page document. We are certain Donald Trump, our legitimately-elected President, can be the greatest president ever, …

Joachim Hagoplan: The “White House Coup – Syria as a Bay of Pigs Moment, Treason Most Foul From Within

Inside the “Et Tu Brute” White House Coup The administration’s overnight switcheroo on Syria from accepting Assad as the Syrian leader to calling for his ouster has everything to do with Stephen Bannon suddenly being demoted and pushed out of the National Security Council (NSC) while the recent ascent of the faction opposing Bannon is …

Robert Steele: The Syrian Missile Attack — Theatrics & House Cleaning? False Flag Attack Organized by McCain, Brennan, McMaster, Funded by Saudi Arabia and Israel? (Trump Revolution 10)

The Syrian Missile Attack –Theatrics & House Cleaning? The outrage across America over the US missile attack against a Syrian air base is universal – only the Zionists and their increasingly desperate neo-conservative fellow travelers are happy. It is clearly understood by the US public at large that the so-called sarin gas attack was a …

SPECIAL: Joe Burgett: Ivanka Trump Reportedly the One Behind President Trump’s Move to Bomb Syria

Ivanka Trump Reportedly the One Behind President Trump’s Move to Bomb Syria With the recent bombing from the United States on Syria over chemical weapons, many found it to be strange that President Donald Trump made such a move, but according to a recent report, it seems his daughter Ivanka was behind the idea. According …

Jan Oberg: Syria Atrocity — How Could They Be So Sure? French & CIA White Helmets are the Sources — Totally Compromised!

TFF Live: US bombing Syria – How could they be so sure? Phi Beta Iota: This latest chemical incident is in our view a false flag and our legitimate president is being lied to by our illegitimate secret intelligence community.  Our President, our White House, our Congress, and our secret intelligence community as well as …