BREAKING Gordon Duff: Trump, Kushner, Bolton False Flag Scenarios for April-May War with Iran UPDATE 1: Metz Gets It Right — MASSIVE BLUNDER

Trump, Kushner, Bolton Weighing False Flag Scenarios for April-May War with Iran The date has been set, April, May and leaks are everywhere. The timing is based on the Mueller report and what has leaked to Democratic leaders in the House, who “re-leaked” back to their Mossad handlers and Trump. Trump has already decided he …

Lisi Krall: This Historical Moment Demands Transformation of Our Institutions. The Green New Deal Won’t Do That

This Historical Moment Demands Transformation of Our Institutions. The Green New Deal Won’t Do That The GND’s problem, as I understand it, is that it wants to deal with the first contradiction of capital (job creation and new outlets for capital investment) and the second contradiction (biophysical limits) by assuming that we can transition to …

Mongoose: Is Jared Kushner Going to Jail? (Following in His Father’s Footsteps?)

Qatar Shocked, Shocked to Learn It Accidentally Bailed Out Jared Kushner Doha insists it was an “unwitting” partner in the deal. Last August, an economic miracle occurred. Eleven years after a young Jared Kushner purchased an aging skyscraper that would become an albatross around his family’s neck, and six months before the Kushners would have …

Marjorie Cohn: Progressive Except Palestine Problem

The Progressive Except Palestine Problem The Jewish community has a special responsibility to fight Israel’s illegal occupation of Palestinian lands, says Marjorie Cohn. There is a false equivalency between criticizing Israel and being anti-Semitic. Any criticism of Israeli policy is labeled anti-Semitism, even though many Jews—including members of Jewish Voice for Peace, Jewish Center for …