Yoda: The CIA-DARPA Zuckerberg Dossier

Know not, do we.  Reader beware, reader think. The Zuckerberg Dossier Facebook Insider Confesses All: Mark Zuckerberg is a Fraud Used by the CIA The following anonymous document claims to be written by a Facebook insider who was Mark Zuckerberg’s lover from their freshman year at Harvard. Mark’s continuing indiscretions with his ongoing government contract …

Mongoose: Theresa May FIRED for Act of War Against USA? — Queen Next?

Why Theresa May Really Resigned We’ve touched on the topic of our Very British Coup d’État in the past but not often enough. As the DECLAS unfolds, we’ll be hearing more about how the American Nightmare we’ve been living is actually the product of fevered British imaginations consumed with the Great Game. Before the dodgy …