James Fetzer: Fantasy or Reality? What Do You Think? Comment by Robert Steele

Inauguration Cancelled, Trump Remains in Office, ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox, CNN, MSNBC to Loose Licenses Joe Biden’s Inauguration has been cancelled, President Trump would remain in office and the Chinese Communist Party propaganda media outlets of ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox News, CNN and MSNBC would soon be off the airwaves according to President Trump. “I …

Joachim Hagopian: John Roberts and Mike Pence – Deep State Enemies Inside the Gate

This is chapter 44 in the  digital online series on Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, and the Deep State, free online at https://pedoempire.org. and also in Kindles form (chapters) and print form (4 of 5 books published to date. The author is a graduate of West Point and a former US Army officer who earned …

Martin Geddes: Observation on US Military, “President Biden,” & The Final Triumph

You asked me to comment on the Joint Chiefs of Staff letter and the possibility that Biden might actually be inaugurated in some fashion.  This is what I have  to say about that: The “President Biden Show” is going to be laid on by the military. We really are watching a movie. Little is real, …

Ann Delap: Fall of the Cabal Sequel Videos with Text Summaries

SHORT URL: https://tinyurl.com/Cabal-Cosmic-2 General Overview The Sequel to The Fall of the Cabal documentary is as mind-blowing as the original!  It traces the origins of the Cabal/Illuminati to ancient times and reveals their identity.  It discusses their role in historical events throughout the ages and exposes their plan for world domination.  Fasten your seatbelts, and …