Mongoose: The Ukraine Call Whistleblowers — a Mixed Bag of CIA-DNC-Soros-Biden Carpet-Baggers?

The Plundering of Ukraine by Corrupt American Democrats A talk with Oleg Tsarev reveals the alleged identity of the “Trump/Ukraine Whistleblower” The official version says there was a CIA man, a whistle-blower, who reported to the Democrats. What the version does not clarify, where this whistle-blower was located during the call. I tell you, he …

SPECIAL: Game-Changing Court Filing by Michael Flynn Defense Lawyer Sidney Powell…PLUS DoJ Criminal Inquiry Plus Seth Rich Murder Central Brennan Task Force Plus Stone & Manafort to Get Off?

UPDATE 6: Manafort and Stone can prove FBI lies & illicit surveillance UPDATE 5: Brennan Task Force Exposed, Haspel Cooperating with Barr? UPDATE 4: Ben Garrison cartoon immortalizes “Bull Durham” UPDATE 3: Story makes Stillness in the Storm & Zero Hedge — EPIC! UPDATE 2: Seth Rich murder is now central to the over-all inquiry. …

Matt Taibbi: “Everyone Is a Russian Asset” — Hillary Self-Destructs, NYT Joins Her….Can We Get Any Stupider?

Everyone Is a Russian Asset America laughed at Hillary Clinton’s remarks about Tulsi Gabbard, but her ideas fit perfectly in the intellectual mainstream The #Resistance has come up with all sorts of words for such fifth-columnists and deviationists: they are “false-balancers” or “false equivalencers,” “neo-Naderites,” “purity-testers,” “both-sidesists,” “whataboutists,” “horseshoe theorists,” “Russia skeptics” or “Russia denialists,” …

Steele on Books & America: Love it or Lose it! VIDEO ++

Part I: Top 50 books (cosmic mind-altering books) Part II: The other 2,000 books in 26 clusters (a national conversation) Part III: SPY IMPROV – Questions & Answers To view in full screen mode click on vimeo word at lower right screen. Additional videos, graphics, scripts, and linked tables of book reviews below.