Berto Jongman: The Deep State Idiot’s Party Line on Q Anon

QAnon on Twitter: An Overview Conspiracy theories pose numerous social and political problems. For example, contrary evidence cannot change followers’ minds easily, and they are resistant to anything that invalidates their beliefs. Conspiracy theorists tend to interpret new evidence in favor of confirming their beliefs (Sunstein & Vermeule, 2009). Additionally, conspiracy theories can have detrimental …

Succinct History of Humanity & Earth and our Reason for Being

Author: Paul Seymour March 20, 2021 – Equinox A couple of weeks ago I was listening to an interview with Gene Decode, which is usually a pleasant, and informative experience. However, in this particular interview, he made some statements which directly conflicted with my own discernment, and which I found disturbing. He said that the …

J. C. Cole: List of Events Suggesting On-Going Sabotage of Petroleum and Other Economic Choke Points

1 gal of diesel working the field in a tractor replaces 500 man hours manual labor in the field. Agriculture is screwed without diesel. In 2015 I was told by a friend since passed: Prepare for war, my friend. The big one is coming. Evil vs. really the rest of the world…chaotic messes are coming. …

Ed Jewett: Oppression by Orgasm (Mostly Fake) . . .

From Unz Review. Oppression by Orgasm? The Porn Industry as Jewish Anti-Fascist Activism & Cultural Terrorism According to Kerl, the ludicrous “fantasy” of a Jewish conspiracy behind pornography, which is irrationally promoted by far-right hate groups, is as follows: Jews use porn to “erode the allegedly ‘natural’ order of white supremacy,” to “subvert. . . …