MILNET Headlines, 1 March 2010

Cyber-Control:  How Britain is using classical music as a form of social control Cyber-Control:  Major ACTA Leak: Internet and Civil Enforcement Chapters Cyber-Hype:  Cyberwar Hype Intended to Destroy the Open Internet Cyber-Security:  New Era for Internet Security Cyber-World:  Striving to Map the Shape-Shifting Net Homeland Security:  Dirty Bomb Recovery Plans Lacking Media:  Understanding the participatory …

MILNET Headlines, 26 February 2010

Cloud Games:  Microsoft to Open Government-Only Dedicated Cloud Facility Cyber-Security:  DoD Issues Responsible Internet Use Policy Cyber-Security: Microsoft Wins Court Approval to Topple Botnet Cyber-Security: RIAA CEO Tries To Connect China Google Hack With Google’s Attitude US Civil Rights:  Lawmakers Punt Patriot Act to Obama US Civil Rights:  Majority Say Government Threatens Rights US Economy:  …

MILNET Headlines, 25 February 2010

Afghanistan:  Night Raids Violate Afghans’ Deepest Moral Code Cloud:  Ranum& Peterson Vidoe on Cloud Computing Commentary:  Opinion: Running Out of Time Copyright:  New ACTA Leak–U.S., Korea, Singapore, Denmark Do Not Support  Transparency Cyber-Security:  Cybersecurity Coordinator Lacks Accountability Cyber-Security:  Federal Regulation Urged on Cybersecurity Cyber-Security:  Software Defects Threaten Census Rollout Cyber-Security:  US Would Lose Cyberwar Cyber-Security: …

MILNET Headlines, 24 February 2010

Bush-Obama Share Lawyers:  My Gift to President Obama Corporate Misbehavior:  Blackwater in Kabul, or Eric Cartman gets an AK-47 Corporate Misbehavior: Microsoft Takes Down Whistleblower Site, Read the Secret Doc Here Corporate Misbehavior: Must Watch TV: Blackwater’s ‘Team South Park’ vs the Senate Cyber-Security: Avoiding a Digital Dark Age Cyber-Security: Determining the motives for cyberattacks …

Review (Guest): THE WATCHERS–The Rise of America’s Surveillance State

FIVE STARS The People We Pay to Look Over Our Shoulders By ERIC LICHTBLAU By Shane Harris At this very moment analysts at the National Security Agency some 30 miles north of the White House are monitoring countless flashpoints of data — cellphone calls to “hot” numbers, an e-mail message on a suspicious server, an …

MILNET Headlines, 23 February 2010

ClimateGate as Crime:  Climategate Meets the Law, Senator Calls for Criminal Investigation Commentary:  Beware of ‘Comprehensive’ Anything Cuber-Security:  Who runs cyber policy? Cyber-Security:  ‘Sophisticated’ Hack Hit Intel in January Cyber-Security:  Cyber attacks will ‘catastrophically’ spook public, warns GCHQ Iraq:  Iraq watchdog proposes new agency to manage reconstruction US Congress:  Two Million So Congress Can Watch …

MILNET Headlines, 22 February 2010

China:  Hacking Inquiry Puts China’s Elite in New Light Commentary:  Vindicating John Yoo Corporate Mis-Behavior:  Citigroup May Restrict Bank Withdrawals Cyber-Security:  Software Errors Placing Networks at Risk Cyber-Security: US Pinpoints Coder Behind Google Attack Cyber-Security: Where Have All the MANPADS Gone? Iraq:  Baghdad’s Crucible, Washington’s Disinterest US Intelligence:  Remarks by the Director of National Intelligence …