Search: how much is al-qaeda worth?

Very cool question.  We don’t have the answers, but here are a few thoughts. Who benefits? There is only one beneficiary of Al Qaeda as a virtual actor: the US Military-Industrial-Intelligence-Congressional Complex whose outrageously wasteful funding and excessive (70%) obligations to contractors are bankrupting the US economy, but who cares as long as the corporate …

MILNET Headlines, 18 February 2010

Abuse:  CIA Torture Case Entangles U.K. Government, Prompts Charges of Cover-Up Afghanistan:  Empty Skies Over Afghanistan Anti-Privacy:  Pa. school spied on students via laptops Cyber-Security:  Cyberattack simulation highlights vulnerabilities Cyber-Security:  Hackers Troops rejoice, Pentagon Lifts Thumb Drive Ban Cyber-Security:  Large Worldwide Cyber Attack Is Uncovered Threat—Crime: Joint effort targets border crime Threat—Wall Street: Wall Street’s …

MILNET Headlines 17 February 2010

Air Sensor:  Army seeks to revive airships as sensor platforms Cyber-Diplomacy: US officials, Web executives to visit Russia Cyber-Security:  Congress urged to move one cybersecurity bill Cyber-Security:  New IP task force brings “stronger and stricter enforcement” Cyber-Security:  Simulation shows government lacks policies needed to respond Cyber-Security:  Software developers are to blame for most cyberattacks, Cyber-Security:  …

MILNET Headlines 15 February 2010

Cyber-Security: DISA to establish safe haven outside the Internet Cyber-Security: U.S. Internet security plan revamped Threat-China: The Last Shuttle and the Rise of China Threat-China: Who needs aircraft carriers and cruise missiles when you have IOUs? Threat-China: Why China’s Naval Rise Could Help The World Threat-Google: Google Buzz Abandons Auto-Following Amid Privacy Concerns Threat-Google: Too …

MILNET Headlines, 12 February 2010

Afghanistan: Forces Strain To Hire Afghans Afghanistan: Negotiations Only Boost The Taliban Corporate Mis-Behavior: Google seeks to quell Buzz privacy outcry Cyber-Security:  China Alarmed by Security Threat From Internet Cyber-Security:  Einstein 2: U.S. government’s ‘enlightening’ new cybersecurity weapon Cyber-Security:  Israel adds Cyber-Attack to IDF Iran: Iran’s Birthday Bash Technology:  Video: Laser Jets Blast Ballistic Missile …

MILNET Headlines, 11 February 2010

Afghanistan:  New Battles Test U.S. Strategy In Afghanistan Commentary: The New Commandments on the Animal Farm Barn Wall Corporate Misbehavior:  Who Owns Your PC? New Anti-Piracy Windows 7 Update “Phones Home” to  Microsoft Every 90 Days Cyber-Security:  Cybercriminals Targeting Critical Infrastructure Cyber-Simulation:  Operation Cyber Shock Wave Economy: A Greek crisis is coming to America Economy: …

MILNET Headlines, 10 February 2010

Afghanistan:  AT THE BORDER OF PAKISTAN AND AFGHANISTAN: THE GRAND GAME AGAINST TERRORISM Afghanistan: Who Are We Fighting For, Anyway? After Eight Years, Strategy Is Still Unclear Counterinsurgency:  COIN Metrics: What Not To Measure Cyber-Future:  Hacker ‘Mudge’ gets DARPA job Cyber-Security:  America’s Cyber Scam Cyber-Security:  Cyber Warriors Innovation:  Pure Water for Haiti, Afghanistan: Just Add …