F. William Engdahl: Will USA-China Be Manipulated Into War As Germany-Russia and UK-Germany Were?

Is this a remake of 1941 Hitler-Stalin great war? On behalf of the Powers That Be, World War II was orchestrated by the circles of the City of London and of Wall Street to manoeuvre two great obstacles — Russia and Germany — to wage a war to the death against each other, in order …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – July 2020 Food, Food Security, and Famine!

American Gray Swans – July 2020 Food, Food Security, and Famine! Let us be real clear, unless you can stare at the Sun to draw enough energy to stay alive than you need Food to survive. It is a concept! Famine is historically the #1 Killer of Humanity, and America, Europe, and China are all …

J. C. Cole: American Gray Swans – June 2020 — Bye Bye American Billionaires!

American Gray Swans – June 2020 Bye Bye American Billionaires! If you know the famous song by Don McLean – American Pie from the 1970’s, sorry I had to ad-lib a little to make the point. So Bye Bye American Billionaires! I drove my Chevy to the levee, but the levee was dry. And them …

Mongoose: COVID-19 As Gateway to the Planned New World Order — You Have No Rights. Wear the Mask and Be Still.

Tip of the Hat to Ray Songtree.  We Are Being Played. Please Read. NOTICE HOW COVID LINKS TO EVERY SINGLE WHEEL. THAT IS BECAUSE COVID IS THE GATEWAY TO THIS NEW WORLD ORDER. “No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will …