Review: Surprise, Ill, Vanish – The Secret History of CIA Paramilitary Armies, Operators, and Assassins

3 Star Not Worth Reading In the past I might have given this book 4 stars despite its flaws, but my standards have  gone up (I demand holistic analytics and true cost economics now for 5 stars) and the author makes too many mistakes in areas where I have superior knowledge. Also new is the …

Pastor Brown: In Praise of Robert Steele’s Vision

“Without a vision, the people perish.” Proverbs 28:18 Your Vision: Implement the Open Source Agency and execute my vision for using Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) combined with holistic analytics and true cost economics for create a localized self-sustainable economy at the county level at a fraction of the cost of the failed globalist model …

Robert Steele: My Take on POTUS Defense Picks — Intelligence-Driven Strategy, Policy, Acquisition, & Operations May Finally Be Achievable

The recent appointments by the President to the Department of Defense are utterly brilliant and suggest that the era of intelligence-driven strategy, policy, acquisition, and operations may finally be achievable. At the strategic level, this enables Presidential power capable of neutralizing the  military-industrial-intelligence complex that fronts for the Deep State and has been in a …

Berto Jongman: Integrating Information in Joint Operations (IIJO)

Email dated 27 October 2020 To the SMA Community, At the request of Headquarters US Air Force (HAF), SMA initiated a study to address how the Joint Force can best understand and integrate information and influence into its activities across the competition continuum. The attached 5×8 for the Integrating Information in Joint Operations (IIJO) effort …

Pastor Brown: Robert Steele’s Localized Made in America Open Source Vision

“Without a vision, the people perish.” Proverbs 28:18 Implement the Open Source Agency and execute my vision for using Open Source Everything Engineering (OSEE) combined with holistic analytics and true cost economics for create a localized self-sustainable economy at the county level at a fraction of the cost of the failed globalist model that is …