Reference: Retired CIA officer–Fix the Agency

CNN Editor’s note: Charles S. Faddis is a retired CIA operations officer and the former head of the CIA’s unit focused on fighting terrorism involving weapons of mass destruction. The author of a recently published book about the CIA, “Beyond Repair,” Faddis is also president of Orion Strategic Services, a Maryland-based consulting firm. Phi Beta …

Review: To Lead the World–American Strategy after the Bush Doctrine

Superb From Right of Center–VERY Satisfying Competent Collection January 10, 2010 Melvyn Leffler and Jeffrey Legro Of the three books I bought to explore this particular theme, this was the best by far and the only one to earn five stars. Twelve chapters, twelve authors, not a single runt in this litter. The notes are …

Review: SAVAGE CAPITALISM AND THE MYTH OF DEMOCRACY–Latin America in the Third Millennium

Fast Read, Ground Truth, Moral Truth, Priceless Insights January 5, 2010 Michael Hogan I received this book as a gift from the author after I reviewed Open Veins of Latin America: Five Centuries of the Pillage of a Continent, and I am very glad to have accepted his offer. At 218 pages double-spaced it is …

Journal: Scheuer on C-SPAN, Blows Off Key Question

Michael Scheuer, Former CIA Bin Laden Unit Chief (1996-99) Today on C-SPAN:  Michael Scheuer, Former CIA Bin Laden Unit Chief (1996-99), discussed the latest on the alleged terrorist attack on Northwest flight 253, new security procedures, the recent killings of CIA employees in Afghanistan and the Obama administration’s response to foreign terrorists. Washington, DC Phi …

Journal: Michael Scheuer Slams Brennan, Tenet, Berger on CNN

Michael F. Scheuer former chief of the Al Qaeda analytic station, just slammed John Brennan, George Tenet, and Sandy Berger on CNN (12:50 Eastern time).  He stated that among those who died in Afghanistan recently was the officer who devised a workable plan for eliminating Osama Bin Laden, a plan that was cancelled by Brennan, …