Robert Steele: Open Letter to the Editor, Concord Monitor

With reference to Jonathan P. Baird: Down the rabbit hole with three conspiracy theories, Concord Monitor, 2/21/2021 You recently published a village idiot seeking to disparage and defame what he called “conspiracy theorists.” As a former CIA spy I can assure you that the term was devised by the CIA to diminish and defame those …

The Steele Report Questions Being Answered Today

10 Days I thought I heard somewhere that 10 days after Superbowl something epic will happen. Any idea of what this may have been and is there still time left to unfold? Antarctica What do you know about Antarctica and why is it off limits to everyone except the elites?

Matt Taibbi: The War on Privacy by Retards

The War on Privacy Five years ago, official abuses of secrecy were the scandal. Today, the scandal is you The irony, part two. Only available to paying subscribers. Subscription highly recommended.