Robert Steele: Judy Shelton Is Right — Gold-Backed Currencies Now!

I have been following a number of alternative (which is to say, honest) economic minds for some years now, including Martin Armstrong, John Bogle (RIP), Ellen Brown, Karl Denninger, William Engdahl, Edgar Feige, William Greider, Wayne Jett and yes, Judy Shelton.  She nailed it and our President was very wise to hear her out on …

Yoda: Thierry Meyssan on Venezuela, Iran: Trump and the Deep State Robert Steele on Why Trump Merits Re-Election

Brilliant analysis. Rigged system all around. Venezuela, Iran: Trump and the deep state Thierry Meyssan The US Press is spreading a false narrative of the events in Venezuela and the rise of tension between Washington and Teheran. Given the contradictory declarations of both sides, it is almost impossible to discern the truth. After having checked the facts, we need …

Robert Steele: Trump-Putin-Xi: Reflections on What Is Not Visible…

Trump-Putin-Xi: Reflections on What Is Not Visible… Russian International Affairs Council 20 November 2018 I always appreciate the thoughts of Andrey Kortunov and read “Trump-Putin Meetings: Do Elephants Need Celibacy”[1] with great interest.  While I agree with most of what my colleague has written, I want to make a few points that should be encouraging …

Wayne Jett: Missing $21 Trillion, Project Insignia, Deep State and Shadow Government Doing Cash, Drugs, Guns, and Small Children

THE MISSING $21 TRILLION What Was It’s Source? The undocumented spending found in DOD and HUD indicate those inside these government agencies wanted in on the action of spending the stupendous amounts of rogue/criminal (now called Deep State) financing. Likewise, the Deep State operatives were pleased to have more power and influence within the halls …