Journal: Americans Have Been Taken Hostage–And How to Free Us All and Restore the Republic

Full Story Online Dylan Ratigan| Sep. 14, 2009, 1:33 PM The American people have been taken hostage to a broken system. It is a system that remains in place to this day. . . . . . . . It has become startlingly clear that we as a country, and I as a journalist, had …

Review: An Enemy of the State–The Life of Murray N. Rothbard

Gfited Author Summarizes Gifted Libertarian Mind Justin Raimondo September 8, 2009 I was so impressed by the AUTHOR of this book and the manner in which he so ably presented in summary form the very complex economic, philosophical, and consequently political reflections of Murray Rothbard that I immediately looked for “About the Author” and did …

Journal: MILNET Flags Managing Oversight–the Breakdown of Congress

Managing Oversight By Shane Harris August 26, 2009 Congressional oversight of intelligence is broken. That was the dismal conclusion of a 2006 report by the Center for American Progress, as well as the bipartisan 9/11 commission, both of which scoured the histories of congressional watchdogging — real and imagined — and concluded that the system …

Journal: Why the Gang of Six is deciding healthcare for 300 million of us

Six senators representing 3 percent of the population are running things because the White House wants it that way By Robert Reich Aug. 23, 2009 | On Thursday, the so-called Gang of Six – three Republicans and three Democrats on the Senate Finance Committee – met by conference call and, according to Max Baucus, D-Mont., …