9-11 Truth Can End Your Career….

Breathing a word of truth about 9/11 will kill your career Scoop Independent News, Monday, 18 April 2011, 12:22 pm Interview by Kourosh Ziabari Kevin Barrett is a renowned American journalist, writer and former university lecturer. He has taught English, French, Arabic, American Civilization, Humanities, African Literature, Folklore, and Islam at colleges and universities in …

Serious (Honest) Thinking About US Budget

Dear friends, The three articles below describe major approaches to addressing the deficit — for health care, taxes and the military — that would have a greater impact on America’s budget woes than ANYTHING being currently negotiated by Congress and the Obama Administration.  Even better, these three things would, if implemented, actually improve the quality …

Matt Taibbi: The Real Housewives Of Wall Street–How Morgan Stanley Wives Christy Mack & Susan Karches Ripped Off Taxpayers In Geithner-Bernanke Bailout Scheme

Illustration by Victor Juhasz In another era, we would see Congressional hearings on this matter within days. Darrell Issa and Spencer Bachus are now on the clock. We have but one comment – Audit the Fed – Sign the Petition Immediately! By Matt Taibbi For Rolling Stone Why is the Federal Reserve forking over $220 …

Worth a Look: The Daily Bail on End the Fed

The most important video they have every offered (we agree). Sample headlines Costliest Government Program Of All? – The $5 Trillion In Undeclared Wars Over The Last Decade Senator’s Husband’s Firm Cashes In On Crisis “You put Lloyd Blankfein in pound-me-in-the-ass prison for one six-month term, and all this bullshit would stop, all over Wall Street,” says …

UN Secretary General and Ambassador Susan Rice Violate Public Intelligence–We Stand with Richard Falk

Willful Ignorance April 12th, 2011 By Paul Carline thepeoplesvoice.org Cards on the table. I’ve been a “truther” since early 2002 when I came across the first major challenge to the official 9/11 story in the shape of the wonderful “Hunt the Boeing” site created by French researcher Thierry Meyssan. Until then I’d accepted the standard …

US Goverment 2011 Revenue, Costs, & Debt–Two Party Tyranny Lies Straight Up, Media Goes Along

UPDATED 29 May 2011 to add top-level link: Seven Promises to America–Who Will Do This? Let’s start with the state of inequality in the USA today–the concentration of wealth would make Hitler proud.  The middle class is the Jews, the blue collar class is the working Poles (the ones allowed to live), and Congress is …