Review: TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE – Social Engineering the Masses by Daniel Estulin — Deep State Playbook

TAVISTOCK INSTITUTE: Social Engineering the Masses by Daniel Estulin (Trine Day, 2015) 7 Stars Life Transformational – A Seminal Work Integrating Deep Looks from Others – A Mind-Altering Soul-Enhancing Book Given the author’s past as a former Russian intelligence employee, I have considered the possibility that this book is an active disinformation treatise.  While some …

Tom DeWeese: Green New Deal = UN Socialist Agenda 21 + Robert Steele Comment

Green New Deal Reveals The Naked Truth Of Agenda 21 Sometimes if you fight hard enough and refuse to back down, no matter the odds, your truth is vindicated and prevails! For years I’ve watched politicians smirk, roll their eyes, and sigh whenever the words Agenda 21 were uttered. As George Orwell said, “The further …

Lisi Krall: This Historical Moment Demands Transformation of Our Institutions. The Green New Deal Won’t Do That

This Historical Moment Demands Transformation of Our Institutions. The Green New Deal Won’t Do That The GND’s problem, as I understand it, is that it wants to deal with the first contradiction of capital (job creation and new outlets for capital investment) and the second contradiction (biophysical limits) by assuming that we can transition to …

Event: Transition Town Consciousness Festival, Media, PA 20-23 April 2019

Climate, Consciousness and Community A Kosmos Summit Join us! | April 20-23, 2019 We invite you to join us for four days of deep learning, healing, and sharing, in Media, Philadelphia for the Kosmos Climate, Consciousness, and Community Summit. Engage in intimate dialogue and reflection as we confront truths and feelings about the converging crises we …

Berto Jongman: Information Technology Futures

What Tech Will Look Like in 2039 Open source technology trends 2019 Phi Beta Iota: They both ignore short-falls in data collection (1%) and data processing (1% of the 1% we collect) and none of them really speak to sense-making tools and collective human intelligence.