Review: Living Beyond Your Lifetime–How to be Intentional About the Legacy You Leave

Final Review of Four Books Taken Together January 5, 2008 Mike Huckabee I bought four of Governor Huckabee’s books, and spent much of Sunday going through them. I’ve decided to do one review posted four times, to provide anyone visiting one of the four books to see four snapshots in one place. I am NOT …

Review: Day of Reckoning–How Hubris, Ideology, and Greed Are Tearing America Apart

One of A Handful of “Must Reads” for Christmas December 13, 2007 Patrick Buchanan Amazon ate my earlier review, probably because they did not like all the links I included to make the point that while Patrick Buchanan is dead on target as an individual minds, there is a *huge* convergence of public opinion from …

Review: An Enormous Crime–The Definitive Account of American POWs Abandoned in Southeast Asia

USG Has Betrayed Us All November 28, 2007 Bill Hendon, Elizabeth Stewart Edit of 26 Jan 08: see the comments for additional give and take that illuminates the treason of our own government against those “left behind.” I recommend my review of Is Anybody Listening?: A True Story About POW/MIAs In The Vietnam War and …