Reference: US Secret Intelligence, US Banks, Illicit Gold, Murder of the Global Economy, RECAP

The memorandum “Collateral Damage: U.S. Covert Operations and the Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001” has been circulating for years on the Internet, studiously ignored by most.  It was previously posted as a journal item on this website.  Since then, the public has learned a great deal more about both gold and greed, and the …

Robert Steele: Sidney Powell Served in Billion Dollar Lawsuit from Electronic Voting Companies Accused of Conspiracy to Steal 2020 Elections — My View

SHORT MEMORABLE URL: VIDEO & TRANSCRIPT POSTED Sidney Powell has been served in the 1.3B Dominion Voting lawsuit. Ex-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell served in Biltmore Forest with $1.3B Dominion Voting lawsuit Because the entire US legal system is compromised, absent some additional defenses it is entirely possible she could be framed and convicted  the …

Joachim Hagopian: John Roberts and Mike Pence – Deep State Enemies Inside the Gate

This is chapter 44 in the  digital online series on Pedophilia & Empire: Satan, Sodomy, and the Deep State, free online at and also in Kindles form (chapters) and print form (4 of 5 books published to date. The author is a graduate of West Point and a former US Army officer who earned …

Robert Steele: Are 10 Secretaries of Defense Fucking Traitors, or Part of the Wrestlemania Script?

10 former Secretaries of Defense urge Pentagon to cooperate with Biden transition All 10 living former Secretaries of Defense, including Dick Cheney and James Mattis, warned that involving the U.S. military in election disputes would take the country into “dangerous” territory, in a Washington Post op-ed on Sunday. Why it matters: The secretaries’ urging that …