Owl: Clinton Blackmailed Obama? Comey Protecting Deep State Criminals & Traitors?

FBI Source: Clinton Foundation Can Bring Down Entire Government If this plausible article can be believed, based on revelations of an anonymous FBI insider, FBI Director Comey failed to indict Hillary Clinton for conducting State Department business on her personal server because she and Bill’s “Clinton Foundation” is a huge “spider web” involving hundreds of …

Owl: The Pedophile Billionaire that Could Bring Down Both Donald Trump and the Clintons

Pedophile Politicians and Billionaires Mix it Up This article thoroughly details the history of billionaire convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s double life as investment fund manager and pedophile, with emphasis on the latter. Like most articles that have appeared on Epstein, this one also mentions Bill Clinton’s deep friendship with him, implying a high probability that …

Owl: WikiLeaks Posts 30,000 Searchable Emails — Could Russians Give Trump the Others as an “October Surprise”?

30,000 emails is not that many — highly likely she held back most of the emails on Wall Street, Saudi, and Israeli conflicts of interest — cash to the Clinton Foundation for US war-mongering policies. Noteworthy that Facebook censored this — Trump should demand an investigation into value of the undeclared in kind financial contributions …

Owl: Trump Refused $200M Bribe from Sheldon Adelson to Name Newt Gingrich VP?

Bribe of Trump Didn’t Work First they (the Elite) tried to ignore Trump. Didn’t work. His star continuously rose. Next they tried to bombard Trump around the clock with slander and calumny. Didn’t work. Now he is the presumptive Republican nominee. Next, they tried to bribe him, according to this article, to hire the loathsome …

Owl: Trump’s Mexican Code – White Anger Over Never-Ending Illegals Legalized by Obama, and Whites as a Neglected Interest Group

A very, very interesting brief analysis on Trump’s complaint about the judge who has Mexican background – the quote from “Rum” in it is the most insightful thing I have seen on this issue so far. Worthy as an Owl post, if I comment a little? Comments would be along these lines: in essence, he’s …

Owl: Saudi Arabia Funds Netanyahu

Panama Papers Data Leak King Saudi Arabia-Sponsored Netanyahus Campaign Isaac Herzog, member of the Knesset and Chairman of the Israeli Labor party, revealed that Saudi king Salman bin Abdulaziz financed the election campaign of Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu. “In March 2015, King Salman has deposited eighty million dollars to support Netanyahu’s campaign via a …