Stephen E. Arnold: Amazon Global Computing – Cheaper

Amazon Aims to Make Computing Cheaper Amazon has aspirations beyond being the world’s largest retailer. The online retail giant also aspires to be a mega force in computing, says The New York Times Bits Blog in: “Amazon Bares Its Computers.” Amazon has announced that it is taking its Amazon Web Services beyond simple cloud-computing to …

Richard Stallman: Free Software Issue 60 November 2013

Free Software Supporter Issue 68, November 2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Give freely this Cyber Monday: Introducing the 2013 Giving Guide FSF campaigns manager speaks about free software at iD Programming Academy LibrePlanet 2014 dates announced Avaneya releases libre game for GNU/Linux based on lost NASA archives Rockstar vs. Google: software patents as a license for …

Steve Aftergood: HPSCI Seeks Continuous Monitoring of Security-Cleared Employees [We Do NOT Make This Stuff Up!]

HPSCI Seeks “Continuous Evaluation” of Security-Cleared Employees Recent unauthorized disclosures of classified information might have been prevented if U.S. intelligence agencies “continuously evaluated the backgrounds of employees and contractors,” according to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence (HPSCI). In its new report on the FY 2014 intelligence authorization bill, the Committee would require intelligence …

Berto Jongman: Bits, Bytes, & Stuff

9 Challenges Facing Journalism 50 Greatest Breakthroughs Since the Wheel ACTIVISM: Anti-Drone Movement BIG IDEAS: Bitcoin Economy BIG IDEAS: Digital Privacy Resolution from United Nations BIG IDEAS: Earth Is A Machine BIG IDEAS: Learning Through Interesting Imagery BIG IDEAS: Post-Human Future? BIG IDEAS: Vaclav Smil on Reality (Bill Gate’s Favorite Author) CYBER: App Generation CYBER: …